Sunday, September 23, 2007

'Bout Time

'Ello, you lucky people!

So I feel like a tool. I made a point of making a new site for blogging and what not and then I get blogger's block. That, by the way, is a lot like writer's block, but for people with too much time on their hands. Anyway, I figured I'd me remiss if I didn't at least update y'all.

After having realized that being unhappy wasn't a bad thing, I've felt a lot better about life. It's all up to me if I want to make my life better and being in charge of my own destiny is oddly calming. Did I think I wasn't? I have no idea. Grab the bull by the horns, that's what I'm gonna do. Also, shit or get off the pot. I like cliches.

So, I never thought it would happen in my lifetime: The Rockies are actually BETTER than the Broncos. No one is more shocked than me. They each had a game today at the exact same time. I'd flip back and forth from the slaughter the Broncos were recieving and the slaughter the Rockies were delivering. The Rox are one and a half games out of the playoffs and have won 8 games in a row. The Broncos can't win by more than 3 points and lost today handily.

This weekend, God willing, I will be finishing "Buried," a film I started almost a year ago (10 months ago to be exact). It's a movie about a guy who kills his best friend for money and sex and is then haunted by a spectre. You know, a family film. Anyway, I'm really excited to get it filmed and done because it's been finished in my head forever. It'll be weird as this marks my first Lincoln-less shoot and I'm going to recruit a crew of people I've never worked with before. Even for the bit I did shoot already I had Mike as my first A.D. and now he's in California. I'm sure it'll be great, but it's still a little strange. Oh well. Once it's done I'll try to post it somewhere.

I guess that's it. I promise my next blog will be, you know, funny or interesting or worth reading. But, it's too late; You already read it, suckah!

Talk at ya later and keep circulating the tapes.


joeydedang said...

I like the new blog. It has a really sweet look to it. Thanks for the ramblings.

joeydedang said...

I like the new blog. It has a really sweet look to it. Thanks for the ramblings.